Traer is fortunate to have the cooperation and effort of many of its citizens to direct the future of our community. We are always looking for new input and your expertise to join these Boards and Commissions, so if you're interested, please contact City Hall for more information and get involved!
Traer is fortunate to have the cooperation and effort of many of its citizens to direct the future of our community. We are always looking for new input and your expertise to join these Boards and Commissions, so if you're interested, please contact City Hall for more information and get involved!

There is no such thing as "away." When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.
Traer offers can and bottle redemption as well as a full-service recycling center.

Can Country is a full-service redemption center. We take all containers with IA deposit except Hy-Vee and the Aldi brand Summit. There is a one cent per container handling fee paid by the distributor.
We kicked off our location with a can drive for the NT High School in December 2018. They brought in over 30K cans in one day! We encourage more local can drives, so contact us for information.
Can Country
2608 170th Street, Traer, IA 50675
Mondays & Saturdays 10am–5pm
Traer offers a convenient space behind Main Street to recycle all your containers, mixed paper, glass, and cardboard materials. Note that these are the only items to be disposed of at this location–the site is monitored by security cameras to prevent dumping of trash.
Traer Recycling Center
403 First Street, Traer, IA 50675
Open Daily