Traer is fortunate to have the cooperation and effort of many of its citizens to direct the future of our community. We are always looking for new input and your expertise to join these Boards and Commissions, so if you're interested, please contact City Hall for more information and get involved!
Traer is fortunate to have the cooperation and effort of many of its citizens to direct the future of our community. We are always looking for new input and your expertise to join these Boards and Commissions, so if you're interested, please contact City Hall for more information and get involved!

Due to the generosity of volunteers who faithfully serve those in need, Traer has one of the best fire departments in the state. A fiery tradition for nearly 140 years, the Traer Volunteer Fire Department is dedicated to educating and protecting our residents. Our community supports these volunteers by wholeheartedly donating to annual fundraisers.
To become a volunteer with the Traer Fire Department or to make a financial donation please call or click the link below for a crew application.
Traer Fire Department
631 2nd Street, Traer, IA 50675
Tyler Cell - Chief - 319-290-3670